Friday, September 10, 2010

What Causes White And Brown Freckles And Spots On Skin

what is meant by freckles
The freckles are commonly a brown spots that is small in size and it appears at the arms and also in the face.It is not an dangerous one.Especially at the summer season the freckles comes and the fair people with the lighter skinned people get freckle affects who are in the light color hair and the red hair people.

Freckles causes

  • It is also one of the genetic or hereditary causes.
  • Some of the rare disease causes freckles it is such as when the person gets high exposure to sunlight.

How the freckles get treated

  • It is just like an white spots that which is caused by sun spots so their is no need a special treatment to the freckle.
  • keep the skin away of getting high exposure from the UV light.

what causes white spots on skin
when the skin does not have the require level of melanin which is lack of melanin it causes the white spot it is happen because of the vitiligo destroy.Then the common causes for the white spots on skin is the vitiligo condition.

what causes Brown spots on skin
The causes for the people who can gets the brown spots on their skin is due to high exposure of sun that is UV rays which makes problem to the skin by destroy the skin cells if it is left and not take care it leads to skin cancer also.High exposure of sun rays that causes the brown spots on skin.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Treatment For White Spots On Skin

  • The first and the best way to cure white spots on skin is go to the doctor when it is an early stage to get ideas over what is the spots that is white in color on my skin.consult with the doctor to get ab solution.

  • Tinea versicolor which cause the white spots on skin but it is the fungal skin disease which is harmless.use the treatment such as Lotrimin or another like tinaction which will clear it.

  • Don't get anxiety avoid the stress after you had white spots on your skin.Try to get relax and keep away the bad feelings over it will treated and get cure.

Some of the home remedies to the white spots on skin are
  • practise the meditaton to avoid the stress on that white spots.

  • Don't use irritation making beauty products or creams which is not suitable to your body and prefer the creams or products that well suits your skin.

  • Go for the organic products which are free from the side effects.

  • Eat the rich and balanced diet and add the fresh fruits as well as vegetables to your food.

  • Apply the cabbage leaves on the white spots on your skin and also take the fresh cabbage leave juice.

  • Eat the walnuts for the consistent period and get cure for white spots on skin which is caused by leucoderma.

  • To the treatment of vitiligo drink the butter milk which is better.

What Are Sun Spots On Skin

  • The ultraviolet rays which is from the sun are damages the DNA in skin,if the people does not go for protection or any treatment to it which it leads to the skin cancer.
  • some of the  cell carcinoma cancers which is caused due to the sunspots .When the sun spots are find that in the skin with scaly also pink color due to the skin exposure.sun spots are treated with the cryotherapy and as soon it is find out.
  • Due to the high exposure of sunlight the skin get the allergies such as the itching and the redness along with burning sensation.
  • The skin pigmentation are also leads to the white sun spots on skin.This is due to  the less low pigment it is to the fair peoples.commonly the fair people gets the chances for white sunspots on skin.
  • PMLE is known as the polymorphous Light Eruption which is one kind of allergies to the skin that are caused by the high exposure of sun to the skin.This leads to the peoples who have the itchy bumps to the skin.most of the people thought this is untreatable but the real truth is it has been treated one.most of them get treated become well in the skin condition.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sun Spots On Skin Treatment

  • Use the lightening skin cream over the regular period of time and get better result on it.
  • Get the consultation with an doctor who is dermatologist and if you are willing in the laser treatment.The laser method which is used to treat the sunspot on skin.
  • The home remedies for sun spots on skin.If you are interested in the natural remedy pick the leaf Aloe Vera and cut it take the gel of Aloe Vera and apply it over the sun spots affected skin.perform it continuously and get the cure of it.
  • The person who are not have the dry skin and he or she has to get cure means go for the moisturizer cream that which performs the healing process and which is natural cream means it is very well.
  • Another proven method to treat the sun spots are nothing but the spot lighteners such as
  • cynergy TK-It is stimulates the increase in the ratio collagen production and the new skin cells which is rejuvenate. Extra pone Nut grass-which is decrease the melanin by natural and leaves the skin brighter and lighter.
  • The maracuja ingredient which has the emollient properties and gets the skin soft as well as get rid of the spots.
  • Apart from all the remedies and the treatment the best remedies and the sun spots treatment are make the prevention and protection over the high exposure of your skin and get rid of the sun spots on skin.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Red Spots On Skin With Blisters

The red spots on the skin which is not harm because it is one of the indication or it is some thing like symptoms of other bad the red spots on skin has various causes.

The red spots and the blisters are happen at the cold sore stage.At some stage it has been starts to break down in which it gets infection.some times the large blister are formed.During this stage the pain along with the fever and the swelling happens.

Take care to prevent from more blisters which cause pain and more effects.when the healing stage comes to the part irritation in skin happens.At the area where the blister is occur the red spots also appear.The main important thing is to be aware until the red spots on skin which is cured.

Acne marks also red in color in the spots like which is because of the acne scar caused it happen after the healing of acne.

The infectious skin rashes also cause the blister which it will turn into the brown color spot.some of them are like measles rash whic appears like red and also with the blisters happen slowly.

White Spots On Skin Causes

  1. A kind of yeast malassezia that causes the white spots on skin which is Tinea versicolor and it is in the color of white spots or red spots even in brown is one kind of skin condition.
  2. Another cause of white spots on your skin is the vitiligo which is like white patches on the skin it is the destroy of cells which is done by vitiligo.It can be treated with the usage of some anti fungal medicines by applyting over the affected part and get cured.
  3. Pityriasis Alba which is an chronic skin disorder  and the white spots occurs.some of the moisturizer creams and tropical cream which is to treat it and it will some time reoccur.
  4. Due to the high exposure and the fungus infection and the people who used the tanning salon gets the white spots on their skins.
  5. some people are affects with Eczema white spots in skin which is due to the loss of pigmentation in their skin with the irritation and the itching happens.