Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What Are Sun Spots On Skin

  • The ultraviolet rays which is from the sun are damages the DNA in skin,if the people does not go for protection or any treatment to it which it leads to the skin cancer.
  • some of the  cell carcinoma cancers which is caused due to the sunspots .When the sun spots are find that in the skin with scaly also pink color due to the skin exposure.sun spots are treated with the cryotherapy and as soon it is find out.
  • Due to the high exposure of sunlight the skin get the allergies such as the itching and the redness along with burning sensation.
  • The skin pigmentation are also leads to the white sun spots on skin.This is due to  the less low pigment it is to the fair peoples.commonly the fair people gets the chances for white sunspots on skin.
  • PMLE is known as the polymorphous Light Eruption which is one kind of allergies to the skin that are caused by the high exposure of sun to the skin.This leads to the peoples who have the itchy bumps to the skin.most of the people thought this is untreatable but the real truth is it has been treated one.most of them get treated become well in the skin condition.

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